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Crash Test Dummy PSA Novemeber 21'st,1986
Crash Test Dummies Double Date
1994 Crash Test Dummies PSA Sit, Fetch, Rollover, Play Dead and Speak
1986 Smoking "Yul Brynner" American Cancer Society PSA
Hunter NBC Promo November 21'st,1986
1996 Crash Test Dummies PSA - Ring a bell (Lego Version)
KNSD commercial break (November 2, 1988) Part 7
Say Nope To Dope 1986 30 PSA
1986 ANTI-smoking / Cancer commercials - PSA
Drinking and Driving PSA 1986
Ad Council forest fire prevention psa Michael Landon 1986
PSA Nightmares: Deafness Research Foundation - Turn It Down